DataTrim Dupe Alerts, News
After the installation is done BUT before you can start using the app,there are a few steps to perform in completing the Initialization and Setup: 1) Add the license number provided by DataTrim. 2) Activate the subscription by Performing the OnBoarding Process. 3) Add...
DataTrim Entry Check, How To
Quick Entry Check on the Lightning Home Page Similar to the functionality in Classic, it is now possible to add the Quick Entry Check component to the Lightning Home page, or anywhere else you like it. The Quick Entry Check component will allow you users to jump...
DataTrim Dupe Alerts, How To, Support
If you have tried to perform the OnBoarding process for DataTrim Dupe Alerts in a Sandbox environment you may have encountered an error message: As the Error indicates: sendng out emails is not enabled for your (sandbox) org. SendEmail Failed: First Exception on row...