DataTrim Dupe Alerts also include the Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+ references to better detect duplicates – all by Default.
Social CRM, blank

This functionality is already available, all you have to do is to go to the setup and provide field references to where you store your Social CRM data.

This feature is of cause also part of the Dupe Detection upon Entry functionality which is part of the Dupe Alerts application.

So when you enter new leads and contacts from e.g. LinkedIn, DataTrim Dupe Alerts will IMMEDIATELY check if a record with the same LinkedIn id exists in your database and alert you of the duplicate.

This functionality complements the existing matching using fuzzy logic and gives you the possibility to detect the duplicates in the very early stage before you start working with the new record.

This functionality is already available, all you have to do is to go to the setup and provide field references to where you store your Social CRM data.

This functionality is available to all users DataTrim Dupe Alerts

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