By default, the salesforce merge process takes 2 records; a Master (‘Survivor’) and a Dupe. The selected Master takes priority over the Dupe which means that the following rules are applied:

  1. When 2 fields on the 2 records both are populated the value from the Master and the value from the Dupe is lost (unless you use the option to store this with the Master).
  2. If a field on the Master is empty and the corresponding field on the Dupe is populated, then the value from the Dupe is carried across to the Master and the master is in this way enriched with the additional information from the Dupe.
  3. Related data, such as Camping info, activities, tasks etc. are moved across from the Dupe to the Master so that the entire history of the consolidated records is available to the Master record.

Keep Values from Dupe
Often the Master is selected based on simple principles, e.g. a New Lead is considered the Master over an older Lead as the new information is considered more up to date.
But in certain situations, e.g. to track the origin of the leads, you want to proceed with the New lead (merged with the older record) but keep the original Lead Source. Using the new “Keep Values from Dupe” Rule you can easily do this by setting the Rule to Keep the Dupe value for particular fields

This functionality applies to the DataTrim Quick Merge wizard and the Mass Merge functions of DataTrim Dupe Alerts

This functionality is available to all users DataTrim Dupe Alerts

See also:
Merge Rules/Options, Keep Max value e.g. Lead Score from Marketo
Merge Rules/Options – Exclude fields from Merge

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